Example Configuration ##################### .. caution:: Values must not be quoted! .. caution:: Note that "yes" is the only support truthy value for boolean options. :: [sncli] cfg_sn_username = lebowski@thedude.com # cfg_sn_password = nihilist cfg_sn_password_eval = gpg --quiet --for-your-eyes-only --no-tty --decrypt ~/.sncli-pass.gpg ## NOTE: if both password config are given, cfg_sn_password will be used # sets the datebase path for your notes cfg_db_path = os.path.join(self.home. .sncli) # allows you to do regex searches with tags cfg_search_tags = yes # sets the default notes sort # can be set to `alpha` or `date` cfg_sort_mode = date # keep pinned notes on top cfg_pinned_ontop = yes # sets the default tabstop cfg_tabstop = 4 # show the status bar cfg_status_bar = yes # default to markdown instead of plaintext cfg_default_markdown = yes ### DATE ## run `man strftime` for all options # cfg_format_strftime = %Y/%m/%d cfg_format_stftime = %d %B %Y ### TITLES ## %D - date ## %N - title ## %T - tags ## %F - flags (fixed to 5 char width) # X - not synced # T - trashed # S - published/shared # m - markdown ## The dash changes text alignment to the left cfg_format_note_title = [%D] %F %-N %T ### EDITOR and PAGER # sncli will check your configuration file for the $EDITOR, # if this varaible is blank it will check for your OS's $EDITOR ## WARNING: if neither $EDITOR or cfg_editor is set, it will be impossible to edit notes # `{fname}` is substituted with the filename # `{line}` is substituted for the current line number in sncli's pager # The default editor and pager # cfg_editor = os.environ[EDITOR] if EDITOR in os.environ else vim {fname} +{line} # cfg_pager = os.environ[PAGER] if PAGER in os.environ else less -c ## If {fname} isn't supplied, the filename is simply appended # EXAMPLES # cfg_editor = nvim {fname} +{line} # cfg_editor = nano +{line} cfg_editor = vim +{line} # set the pager cfg_pager = less -c +{line} -N {fname} # set the diff pager # cfg_diff = diff -b -U10 cfg_diff = colordiff -bl ### THE LOG # set the max number of log files sncli will keep cfg_max_logs = 5 # set the log timeout cfg_log_timeout = 5 # does the log work in reverse cfg_log_reversed = yes ### TEMP DIR # set sncli's temp directory # this will default to your OS's temp folder cfg_tempdir = ~/.sncli/temp/ ### KEYBINDING ## see http://urwid.org/manual/userinput.html for examples of more key combinations ## NOTES LIST KEYBINDS # sort notes by date kb_sort_date = d # sort notes alphabetically kb_sort_alpha = a # sort notes by tags kb_sort_tags = ctrl t ## COMMON KEYBINDINS # open help menu kb_help = h # quit the current view or exit the program kb_quit = q # sync notes kb_sync = S # scroll down one note kb_down = j # scroll up one note kb_up = k # scroll down a page kb_page_down = space # scroll up a page kb_page_up = b # scroll down half a page kb_half_page_down = ctrl d # scroll up half a page kb_half_page_up = ctrl u # jump to the bottom of the page/list kb_bottom = G # jump to the top of the page/list kb_top = g # toggle the status bar kb_status = s # create a new note kb_create_note = C # edit a note kb_edit_note = e # view note in the pager kb_view_note = enter # view note in `cfg_pager` kb_view_note_ext = meta enter # view note in JSON format kb_view_note_json = O # open the pipe prompt kb_pipe_note = | # view the sync log kb_view_log = l # open trash dialog kb_note_trash = T # pin or unpin a note kb_note_pin = p # set or unset a note's filetype to markdown kb_note_markdown = m # open the tag prompt kb_note_tags = t # open Google search style prompt kb_search_gstyle = / # open regex search style prompt kb_search_regex = meta / # open Google reverse style prompt kb_search_prev_gstyle = ? # open regex reverse style prompt kb_search_prev_regex = meta ? ## SEARCH KEYBINDS # jump to next search result kb_search_next = n # jump to previous search result kb_search_prev = N # clear search results kb_clear_search = A ## PAGER KEYBINDS # view the next note kb_view_next_note = J # view the previous note kb_view_prev_note = K # change tab stop to 2 kb_tabstop2 = 2 # change tab stop to 4 kb_tabstop4 = 4 # change tab stop to 8 kb_tabstop8 = 8 # view an older version of the note kb_prev_version = < # view a newer version of the note kb_next_version = > # view difference between currently selected note and the most recent one kb_diff_version = D # restore a version of the note kb_restore_version = R # jump to the most recent version of the note kb_latest_version = L # open the verison selection prompt kb_select_version = # # copy the highlighted line of text kb_copy_note_text = y ### COLORS ## see http//urwid.org/reference/constants.html for accepted colors # `fg` means foreground, the text color # `bg` means background color ## COMMON # the status bar clr_status_bar_fg = dark gray clr_status_bar_bg = light gray # the prompt bar clr_user_input_bar_fg = white clr_user_input_bar_bg = light red ## NOTES LIST # the default colors clr_default_fg = default clr_default_bg = default # the selected note, clr_note_focus_fg = white clr_note_focus_bg = light red # titles of notes that have been updated in the last 24 hours clr_note_title_day_fg = light red clr_note_title_day_bg = default # titles of notes that have been updated in the last week clr_note_title_week_fg = light green clr_note_title_week_bg = default # titles of notes that have been updated in the last month clr_note_title_month_fg = brown clr_note_title_month_bg = default # titles of notes that have note been updated in a year clr_note_title_year_fg = light blue clr_note_title_year_bg = default # titles of notes that were last updated over a year ago clr_note_title_ancient_fg = light blue clr_note_title_ancient_bg = default # for the date clr_note_date_fg = dark blue clr_note_date_bg = default # for the flags (markdown, pinned, shared) clr_note_flags_fg = dark magenta clr_note_flags_bg = default # tags in list view clr_note_tags_fg = dark red clr_note_tags_bg = default ## PAGER # note's content clr_note_content_fg = default clr_note_content_bg = default # the selected line of text clr_note_content_focus_fg = white clr_note_content_focus_bg = light red ## HISTORY PAGER # note content in history view clr_note_content_old_fg = yellow clr_note_content_old_bg = dark gray # selected line of text in history view clr_note_content_old_focus_fg = white clr_note_content_old_focus_bg = light red ## SYNC LOG # the content of the sync log clr_log_fg = dark gray clr_log_bg = light gray ## HELP PAGE # current line of text in help view clr_help_focus_fg = white clr_help_focus_bg = light red # the help view's header clr_help_header_fg = dark blue clr_help_header_bg = default # the help view topics clr_help_config_fg = dark green clr_help_config_bg = default # the help topics' values clr_help_value_fg = dark red clr_help_value_bg = default # the descriptions of the help topics clr_help_descr_fg = default clr_help_descr_bg = default ### NOTE: You do not need to keep default vaules in your config # they are listed here as examples to give a complete view of # what setting are customizable.