Command Line Usage ################## .. code-block:: shell sncli [OPTIONS] [COMMAND] [COMMAND_ARGS] Options ******** .. option:: Open ``sncli`` in the console GUI. ----- .. option:: -c .. option:: --config= Sets the configuration used by ``sncli``. The default is ``$HOME/.snclirc``. See :doc:`configuration`. ----- .. option:: -h .. option:: --help View ``sncli`` options and subcommands. ----- .. option:: -k .. option:: --key= Idenifies a note by its key. ----- .. option:: -n .. option:: --nosync Prevent ``sncli`` from performing a server sync. ----- .. option:: -r .. option:: --regex This will cause ``sncli`` search strings as a regular expression. See :ref:`searchstyles` for more. ----- .. option:: -t .. option:: --title=<title> If creating a new note from ``stdin``, this will allow you to set the title to <title>. ----- .. option:: -v .. option:: --verbose Displays the command's verbose output. Commands ******** Notes ===== .. option:: create Opens a new note in the editor. .. code-block:: shell echo [your note content here] | sncli -t <title> create - .. note:: Creating a note from ``stdin`` is the only command that accepts ``-t <title>``. ----- .. option:: dump Dump notes in plain text format to ``stdin``. .. code-block:: shell sncli dump sncli -k <key> dump sncli dump [search_string] sncli -r dump [search_string] ----- .. option:: edit Opens the specific note in the editor.. .. code-block:: shell sncli -k <key> edit ----- .. option:: export Export notes in JSON to ``stdin``. .. code-block:: shell sncli -k <key> export sncli export [search_string] sncli -r export [search_string] ----- .. option:: import Import a JSON formatted note. Fields are: content; tags; systemTags; modificationDate; creationDate; deleted .. code-block:: shell echo '{"tags":["testing","new"],"content":"New note!"}' | sncli import - ----- .. option:: list List all notes by ``key [flags] title``. .. code-block:: shell sncli list [search_string] sncli list -r [search_string] ----- .. option:: sync Performs a full, bi-directional sync between the local notes cache and the Simplenote server. Flags ===== .. option:: pin | unpin Pin or unpin a specific note. .. code-block:: shell sncli -k <key> pin sncli -k <key> unpin .. option:: markdown | unmarkdown Add or remove the markdown as the note's file type. .. code-block:: shell sncli -k <key> markdown sncli -k <key> unmarkdown .. option:: trash | untrash Move a note to or from trash. .. code-block:: shell sncli -k <key> trash sncli -k <key> untrash Tags ==== .. option:: tag <add|get|rm|set> Manage your note's tags. .. code-block:: shell sncli -k <key> tag add <tags> Add tag <text> to a specific note. .. code-block:: shell sncli -k <key> tag get List the tags of a specific note in ``stdin``. .. code-block:: shell sncli -k <key> tag rm <tags> Remove tag <tags> from a specific note. .. code-block:: shell sncli -k <key> tag set <tags> Set <tags> as tags for a specific note. .. note:: ``tag set`` will overwrite all previous tags for the specific note.